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kornet anti tank

Kornet Anti Tank - Rosoboronexport, part of the State Ministry, and the Jordanian company Jadara Equipment and Defense Systems have agreed to open the production license of Kornet-E anti-tank weapons (ATGM) in Jordan. As part of the current IDEX-2021 exhibition in Abu Dhabi, the group agreed to coordinate the assembly of the 9M133-1 and 9M133F-1 weapons for the Kornet-E ATGM system.

"Kornet-E is one of the most effective and advanced anti-tank systems in the world arms market, which allows our colleagues from Jordan to create joint production on their territory," Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy Department of State Corporation.

Kornet Anti Tank

Kornet Anti Tank

Kornet-E is designed to destroy tanks, armored vehicles and work on multiple walls, with a firing range of 5.5 km. Since the Kornet-E can fire both weapons in a tandem warhead designed to destroy heavy weapons, but also weapons with a high explosive charge, it is an effective defensive weapon for eliminating many military targets.

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As part of the international cooperation in the field of weapons, six foreign countries have announced their desire to acquire a new Russian tank T-14 Armata. Armata was developed specifically for the so-called medium war. That is, the T-14 does not fight alone, but as part of a strategy within a unified control system at all times. This group may include armored fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns, T-90 tanks, and attack helicopters. The T-14 was assigned the role of scout, launcher, and firefighter in this chain. The tank is characterized by a high automatic rate. The Kornet missile has both the option of attacking the target with a combined discharge and a tandem attack force that attacks the active missile and maps several other missile plates.

MOSCOW, December 15. //. Russia's Kornet anti-tank missile system can defeat any defense system that operates on a missile launcher, the editor of the Independent Military Review Dmitry Litovkin said on Wednesday.

"It has been shown that the self-destruct system of the Kornet can be fired in tandem mode, in particular, it is possible to launch two weapons at the same time between the command and control to pierce the active defense system of the weapons enemy. "But of weapons. So start everyone else with a laser beam at a short interval, which helps to turn the smart defense system of the armor, as the Israeli Iron Fist developed IMI," said the expert.

The system works by firing a cluster of explosives at incoming missiles that are detected by radar sensors to destroy the attack element. However, this protection may fail against Kornet as the second weapon will fall there in the right direction, even if the first one is destroyed, the expert explained.

Successfully Expanding Fire Range, Russia Calls Kornet Anti Tank Missiles Can Be Installed In Various Combat Vehicles

The armor is also protected by various air and smoke systems, the expert said. "However, this does not reduce the functionality of the Kornet smart weapon," said Litovkin.

"Even if a smoke screen suddenly appears when the missile approaches the target, the missile does not give up and continues to move forward on the road the first flight path. If you consider the speed of the missile, the target will have more time to change its position and go back. It will disappear, despite the smoke," the expert concluded. strength.

The Kornet missile has a second option to hit the target with a combined discharge and tandem warheads that hit the counter-armor and map several other missile plates, he said.

Kornet Anti Tank

"Basically, the weapon has a tandem-carrying high-explosive charge. This means that two charges explode in one attack. The first charge removes the reactive armor of the goal when another charge immediately destroys it. "Special advice.

Anti Tank Guided Missiles Are A Historical Russian Strength

"Although experts say that slat armor protects against advanced weapons, it is not effective against advanced weapons like the one Kornet is working with," the military expert added.

The Kornet anti-aircraft missile system is intended to attack tanks and other armored targets, including vehicles with high performance armor and active defense systems. The weapon is guided by laser light. The explosive range of the Kornet anti-tank missile has been extended to 8 km while its original version had a contract of up to 5.5 km.

Deputy CEO of the Higher Armament Company (part of the state engineering company Rostec) Sergey Mikhailov said in early December that the Kornet-EM can adapt the anti-tank weapon system to any type of chassis. Among its main changes, the Kornet-EM is equipped with two telescopic tubes that carry four missiles each, he said.

Kornet is popular among foreign customers. The head of the Federal Center for Military-Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugayev said that the Army 2021 weapons exhibition on August 23 in Russia has received many requests for the delivery of the Kornet-EM physical system. who is based on the Tigr armored car from abroad. .

High Level Of Competence In Anti Tank Warfare

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on November 25 following talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi that the first ship of Russian-made Kornet missiles will be delivered to Serbia by the end of this year.

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Kornet Anti Tank

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Russian К 17 Ifv Missed Twice Trying To Hit Target With Kornet Atgm

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New Capabilities For Anti Armor Warfare

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Kornet Anti Tank

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In Development: Kornet D1

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Kornet Anti Tank

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